Back To School Prep In 5 Easy Steps

Prep Like a Pro for Back-to-School

It’s hard to believe that fall is only a couple weeks away! Summer coming to an end means only one thing…the first schools bell of the year will be ringing in no time! Forget that last minute dash to get you and your family ready for back-to-school - instead prepare for the new school year like a pro. Follow the easy steps below and you’ll be well on your way to an A+ start to September.

Review School Supply Lists

Don’t wait until the day before classes begin to cross off the items on that school supply list. Choose a morning within the next couple of days and get that task done and out of the way. Tip: limit your children’s visits to the Lost and Found by labeling your children’s backpack, lunch box, shoes and pencil case to help ensure they’re no mix-ups in the classroom. 

Closet Assessment

Shopping for back-to-school clothes is an exciting time for many students. However, sometimes the price tags can make the wallet feel a little lighter than expected. Before you splurge on a new fall wardrobe for your family, take some time to assess what’s currently in your closet. It’s always a good idea to put away any summer attire that won’t be making an appearance in this season’s ensembles – so pack away the beachwear! Next, have everyone try on the clothes that are suitable for the schoolyard and the season’s weather. If anything doesn’t fit, put it into a bag for donation. Finally, make a list of any items that are needed and head out (or online) to buy your new gear! 

Prepare A Homework Station

Creating a space for your kids to work on their homework or study is an excellent way to get them into back-to-school mode. Whether it’s a desk in their room, the home office, or the kitchen table – having all their supplies ready and organized at home will make everyone’s evenings a little less stressful. Tip: make a portable study station by building a little cubical for your kids like this onehere. 

Create A Lunch Menu 

Make sure lunch boxes are coming home empty this year by creating a lunch-box menu with your children’s help. Spend an afternoon choosing a variety of schoolyard-approved snacks that will both nourish and please your academic darlings. You can even create a lunch schedule and have your kids fill it in prior to the start of each week with the pre-approved food choices you’ve all decided on. 

Ease Into A School-Week Evening Routine 

The most difficult thing about this time of the year is getting back into the school year routine. The carefree days of summer are hard to let go of, and getting to bed at a reasonable time can seem impossible. Save yourself, and your kids, from the struggle and ease yourselves back into a school night schedule. The week prior to first day of school should have a little more structure – try an hour of reading after dinner and getting to bed at the same time each night. Another great tip is to wake up early on the days leading up to the first day of school, so plan some AM activities – like a family visit to the farmer’s market on the weekend. This will help make your early school day alarm sound a little more pleasant.

Looking for a new home that’s closer to a school for your family? Visit our showhome listings page and check out some of the best real estate options in our city that have amazing amenities nearby – including fantastic schools! Plus, for a limited time, you can receive $10,000 in new furniture when you buy a participating quick-possession Coventry Home! Click here for all the details, or contact us today to learn more.

Published Aug. 23, 2017


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